Financial Services
Finance department is strategically located in the Main Administration Block,University Of saint Joseph-Mbarara. Its headed by the Director of Finance/University Bursar.
Under the above sections there are sub-sections: Budgeting Section, Commitment Control Section, Cash Management & Revenue Section, Asset management and Stores management As a department of University of saint Joseph Mbarara,which is a non-profit making Institution, Finance Department is the Centre of all financial services in the University, responsible for maintaining the proper accounting system. It ensures that the financial activities are carried out effectively and efficiently.This is achieved through aligning, priotizing, agreeing and communicating Plans, objectives and targets aiming at achieving a stakeholder focused strategy, which is consistent with the department mission, vision and values.
Provision of effecient and effective financial mangement and services to the University, Country and the region in support of effecient and effective Teaching, Research, Innovation and Outreach.
To provide proffessional financial management and services that ensures accountability and stakeholder
- To continiously develop,implement and maintain quality assurance systems for performance based fincacial management and reporting standards.
- To ensure that high standards of accountability, transparency and integrity of University Of Saint Joseph-Mbarara is upheld in all Fincancial transactions of the University.
- To ensure that the university progrms go on uninterrupted within the available resources.
- To enhance the visibility and image of the finance department and to contribute to the overall university communication and marketing strategy.
- To ensure operations are within the framework of Goverment policies and University Act.
- To attract Donors
- To protect the image of the Finance Department and the University as a whole in matters related to Finance.
- To monitor changes both internal and external and adjust to such in terms of our profession, Economics and the Politics of the day at no expense of each other.
- To ensure that Accounting Proffession is not undermined.
For more information please contact the Office of the University Bursar