Foster Excellence and Integrity

Accommodation at University Of Saint Joseph-Mbarara

There are many places of residence students around the university. Among those are the university hostels i.e. Cape Villa hostels. D-Hostels, Governor’s Hostels. There are other places of residence around the university mostly in Nsikye trading Centre, Kyeera and other campus neighborhoods

Counseling and Guidance

The Counselling and Guidance Centre helps students who need assistance on guidance about their daily life problems which might hamper their steady progress in the academic field or prevent them from enjoying their life in general. Such problems embrace the whole range of health (Medical and psychiatric) problems, Socio-Economic, marital, sexual, academic, spiritual and other problems. The counciling services are provided by the university chaplain

Fresher's Week

First Year students (Freshers) are by tradition given an “acclimatization” period of normally one week which is referred to as the “Orientation Week”. The Freshers report on Campus one week earlier than the Continuing students and during this week they are introduced to the key facilities in the University as well as other important aspects of life at the University. A programme of activities is always issued out and is expected to be strictly followed.

Games and Sports

There are number of recreation and sports activities at the University. The Department of Sports and Recreation offers welfare and sports skills services to the students through a comprehensive, dynamic and exciting Inter-faculty Championships scheduled to take place during the First Semester of the each academic year.


There are various places of worship arround the University like university chapel at the Chemin Neuf Community (Anglicans and Protestants) Service run every Sunday,Nyamitanga Mosque for moslims,Nyamitanga cathedral,Nyamitanga cou and others

Medical access

Students are expected to visit Nyamitanga Health centre II for when in need of any medical services.They are expected to go with their university identity cards